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Twitter for Elon Musk has a special auto-response emoji for press inquiries.

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Elon Musk, a billionaire who paid $44 billion for Twitter in October, describes himself as a “free speech absolutist” and emphasized the need to protect opinion in his justification for the purchase. However, many of his actions in that regard, like weakening its content moderation policies and reopening accounts that had been suspended for violating the rules, have angered some journalists.

The business has been essentially silent since November. The company has not responded to any inquiries from journalists about any of these developments, including the layoffs and mass resignations themselves, significant changes to the user experience, and a string of reported controversies involving Musk and his announcement that he will eventually step down.

The press email address is now again, at least in part, operational. Musk announced on Sunday — of course via tweet — that in the future, it will instantly reply to journalists’ inquiries with a single poop emoji. According to NPR, Twitter immediately responded to its email request for input with the scat symbol.

After confirming that they had successfully tested the feature for themselves, many Twitter users instantly criticized him and the new policy.
He took the highly unusual step of banning the accounts of several prominent journalists who cover the site in December following an abrupt change in policy regarding accounts that post the locations of private jets (including his own) using publicly available information. Musk restored those accounts several days later after getting harsh criticism, including from the European Union and UN as well as the findings of an unofficial Twitter poll.

CWEB has provided some information for this story.

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